
“Dana is the spirit and act of generosity… and it is with the Dana Paramita that the Buddha’s teaching of universal harmony is put into practice.”

-Robert Aitken, Practice of Perfection

The sangha relies completely on its members and friends for financial support. We maintain our temple buildings and grounds ourselves, and strive to keep fees for sesshin and residents as low as possible. We have been able to do this and to live within our means, through your generosity.

Donations (Button Under Construction)

  • General donations
  • Member and Friend pledges

Bookstore Payments

All financial gifts are received with profound gratitude. You may also donate by check which should be made out to Honolulu Diamond Sangha with a clear notation of what it is for and sent to 2747 Waiomao Rd., Honolulu, HI, 96816.

If you would like specific information about our finances, please see the second page of the Member/Friend Pledge form (click below).  Our treasurer would be happy to discuss planned giving with you if you are considering remembering us in your will or making a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and gifts are deductible as provided by law.

You may also download the Member/Friend Pledge Form to make annual pledges.  You may fill and email it to our Administrator at